As much as 80% of employee turnover is due to bad hiring decisions according to The Harvard Business Review.

It can cost up to 50% of a leader’s salary to get it right first time round and if that leader is earning £50,000 or £100,000????? That’s huge.  That it costs both financially and time wise to find and train a replacement means it makes sense to get it right first time round.

Harrison Assessments' 30 years of research has proven that employees who enjoy at least 75% or more of their job are three times more likely to succeed than employees who enjoy less than 75% of their job.

As you are well aware , those that don’t enjoy their job can begin to impact the culture of team, function or organisation and there is the spill over factor into other colleagues, home life and so on.

Why Not....

recruit the right people into the right job and avoid those catastrophic recruitment mistakes and the fallout that comes after using predictive analytics?

align people's qualifications, wants, needs, passions and goals to the requirements of the organisation and specific jobs and accurately predict success in any role to 95%

make the candidate experience amazing including easy online completion of the application process and send responses to ALL unsuccessful applicants, all of which makes you look like a hero.

reduce recruitment administration by up to 75%,  and reduce your reliance on and the cost of external agencies

Our recruitment technology eliminates the need to review resumes (aside from the final candidates) and saves more than 70% of administration time by automatically ranking applicants according to how well they meet your ideal requirements. Integrated applicant tracking features enable easy resume review, shortlisting and auto-decline responses.

The Harrison is continually adapted and growing based on research and feedback from customers and usage. It generates a personalised interview process and behavioural questions, describes how to attract a candidate based on individual analytics and generates onboarding, personal development and coaching recommendations, providing employees with a detailed understanding of internal job requirements.

We can measure Eligibility and Suitability and automatically rank by most eligible and most suitable.

Ask us about Monthly Unlimited Screening (see below)

Our automatically generated pre-employment screening targets your specific requirements for qualification and importantly, the system provides an overall score as a guideline for each step in the recruitment process ensuring the best candidates are hired.

Firstly we measure eligibility factors such as education, experience and skills producing an overall “eligibility score” that saves up to 75% administration time by ranking the applicants according to eligibility.

Secondly we measure suitability factors such as interpersonal skills, work preferences and behaviours under stress and automatically rank by most suitable to least suitable.


We eliminate the need to review resumes except for the most qualified candidates

candidate selection recruitment servicesFor qualified applicants, the assessment process automatically proceeds to a behavioural questionnaire. The results of the behavioural questionnaire are calculated based on the job analysis for the specific job. It automatically selects from 175 factors to measure only job specific behavioural requirements. In addition to assessing behavioural competencies, it evaluates likely employee engagement and job satisfaction. By focusing on both the employee’s and employer’s needs, Harrison measures the degree to which mutual needs will be met, resulting in higher levels of employee engagement and retention. In addition, the easy-to-understand reports empower managers with on-boarding tools that facilitate accelerated engagement and performance.

Harrison Assessment’s automated process and recruitment system dramatically elevates the quality of interviews by consistently focusing on key success factors and revealing behavioural issues that normally take months or years to discover. It provides the interviewer with the key information necessary to offer top talent what they want and transforms the candidate experience by enabling the interviewer to focus on mutual needs rather than only the needs of the company.

In addition to making deeply informed recruiting and hiring decisions, employers utilising Harrison’s Talent Acquisition Solutions reduce time to hire and minimize assessment costs.

Unsuccessful candidates can be kept in the pipeline for future or alternative requirement.

About Harrison Assessments

Harrison Assessments smart questionnairesCreated and developed by Dr Dan Harrison's, his main research was centred around understanding what really makes people successful on their roles.

What he found was that job success has very little to do with personality and a lot to do with their behavioural working preferences.

Harrison Assessments' 30 years of research has proven that employees who enjoy at least 75% or more of their job are three times more likely to succeed than employees who enjoy less than 75% of their job.

From his many many years of research came his two theories of Enjoyment theory and Paradox Theory and from both of these theories came the very clever SmartQuestionnaire™ which is the basis for ALL reports in the Harrison system.

Unlike many assessments HATS is job centric and is incredibly efficient providing the equivalent of a full day of testing. It performs over 8500 cross checks as it's being completed and measures 175 different behavioural variables including personality traits, interests, values, workplace preferences, retention factors, and behavioural competencies that can be compared with specific jobs in our 6500 Job Success Formula library. All our Job Success formulas are cully customisable.

The Harrison Assessment predicts performance and engagement and retention factors by matching proven job specific success factors to individual competencies as well as employee needs

For large and small companies alike , the Harrison is continually adapted and growing based on research and feedback from customers and usage.

We can run a recruitment campaign for you, or you can be trained to run it for yourself.

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