Develop Remote Worker and Remote Leader Competencies

developing remote workers leadership trainingWhether remote work is new to your business or you’ve been doing it successfully for years, your employees have likely experienced both the benefits and the challenges of getting things done away from the office.

With remote working having been forced upon most of us in recent times and the likelihood that it will be very much part of the way we work going forwards it makes sense to really understand what underpins and enables a successful remote workforce so we can support our teams to continued success in what is now the new normal.

Effective remote working comes down to how skills, mindsets and behaviours are applied by both the remote leader and the remote worker once the basic hygiene factors like access to internet, laptops and relevant secure IT resources etc are taken care of.

Businesses have been using competencies to help recruit, manage and develop their employees for a long time and competency frameworks have become an accepted part of HR practice.

A 2015 study by Deloitte showed that 89% of ‘best-in-class’ organisations had core competencies defined for all roles, as opposed to 48% for all other companies.

What are the remote working competencies?

Remote Productivity – Stays focused and productive while working remotely. Effectively works autonomously by taking initiative and persisting despite potential distractions. Keeps organized and focused on goals. Has a positive attitude and seeks self-improvement.

Remote Communication – Takes the initiative to communicate and collaborate to improve efficiency. Has a positive attitude and listens with an open mind. Doesn’t take things personally and is receptive to feedback. Seeks to ensure their communications are received by being straightforward while also being respectful. Communicates clearly and logically while also being sensitive to others

Remote Workers – can compare their own behavioural tendencies to those that are most likely to produce positive outcomes and Leaders of Remote Workers – can gain insights into their own management style and potential adjustments that will benefit team members and organisational performance.

For the fullest identification of Development & Training Needs the Remote Worker Analysis Reports target three distinct areas:

  • The Remote Work Behavioural Competencies which identify traits needed for effective remote productivity and communication.
  • The Behavioural Success Analysis Report identifies an individual’s fit with the job which is the primary foundation for successful remote working.
  • The Engagement and Retention Report assesses the individual’s level of engagement which is also a foundation for successful remote working.

Measuring Remote Worker Competencies takes the guesswork out of how people are currently performing allowing you to fully support and develop people in the most appropriate way for them and the business to get business results.

And the beauty of Harrisons Assessments is that it is completely measurable, so in the future, once you have completed your training and development you can re take the questionnaire and see the improvement that has been made at individual, team and business level.

For more information contact me and see how Remote Working Competencies can help

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