Heather Fawbert, Chief Executive, Fairplay

I am happy to write this testimonial for Chrissie Coates who has been working closely with two members of the core team here at Fairplay.

The two members she has been supporting started their working life with Fairplay as apprentices in Business Administration when they were teenagers. After a few years it became apparent that they both had the relevant attributes to go further within the charity and take on more responsibilities.

At this stage I called on Chrissie to offer the support and guidance from her ‘emerging leaders’ programme.

Over the past year, despite the current difficulties, I have seen both staff members grow and develop professionally and personally. They are both more confident with their decision making and in managing their staff teams.

I have no doubt that with Chrissie’s guidance they will become the most effective leaders that they can be and I am very grateful to her for sharing her knowledge and expertise.

I have no hesitation in recommending Chrissie to anyone looking to build an effective leadership team.